Search Results
The X-Files - Death of the Syndicate [6x12 - One Son]
The X-Files - Smoking Man finally tells Mulder about the Project [6x12 - One Son]
The X-Files - Scully exposes Diana Fowley to Mulder [6x12 - One Son]
The X-Files - Cassandra Spender asks CSM to kill her [6x12 - One Son]
The X-Files - Jeffrey Spender tells the truth about Samantha [9x19 - The Truth]
The X-Files - Krycek tells Mulder about the alien rebels [5x14 - The Red and the Black]
The X-Files Reunited With The Syndicate Members
The X Files - Episode 6x12 'One Son (2)' | REACTION/COMMENTARY
The X-Files - Marita Covarrubias explains colonization process [9x19 - The Truth]
X-Files -- The Syndicate (clips)
The X-Files - Skinner kills Krycek [8x21 - Existence]
The X-Files - 6x12 “One Son” Reaction